Saturday, June 27, 2009

Summer is Here

Family update: My daughter made it into the alternative school for high school, something we're both happy and releived about. My son is being a bum. My Mom is visiting and soon we'll be traveling to and from upstate Ny for fairs and festivals.

Life with a guide dog has certainly changed things for all of us, thankfully, all for the better. My family feels less stressed out whenever we go places because Ro guides me and they don't have to do it.

I now know that she is sensitive to antibiotics; she was very sick after a round of them for an infection on her foot. I'm pretty sure her liver was temporarily compromised from them. But now she's fine and back to her old self. I didn't sleep much that week and even Jerry was worried about her and helped as much as he could. In fact, she charms everyone she meets.

Let's see ...what else? I entered some of my non-fiction for consideration in a service animal anthology. The editor says at least one will be included. I figure if and when I see any earnings from it, I will donate it to Pet Rescue and GEB. I also got my first person who mentioned reading one of my articles in DIALOGUE Magazine. That was a great feeling. She recognized my name and told the other person who knew me that she thought my writing was wonderful. Gush, Gush.

Work is going well. I'm working full time until the end of August, when one grant ends and I will only be coordinating the remaining grant. Keep all your pudgies crossed that the funder in the remaining grant renews it so I can keep working. I really love working with people and hope we can continue finding and I can keep on running youth groups. I'm not sure I'd like to continue full time, though. But for now it's great expereince even if the money isn't so great.

I am also working on running a blindness support group for those who want group therapy. I'm hoping to run two groups: one in Yonkers and one in White Plains or New Rochelle. It's time I start it and I hope my contacts will help me get it going by finding members.

All in all, life is good and even though I hate the hot, humid weather, I'm glad the cold months are behind us.

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